06 January . 2018
East Bay High School Key Club Gives Back
East Bay High School Key Club Gives Back
Each year, Waterset puts on their Concerts for a Cause series, which benefits Feeding Tampa Bay. This fall, Waterset got a little extra help from the East Bay High School Key Club. The Club held their own food drive to add to Waterset’s donation to Feeding Tampa Bay.
Over Thanksgiving, the students chose to volunteer to help their community rather than relax. A group of students from the Key Club helped execute the second annual Turkey Trot. The race was held Thanksgiving morning, but members of the Key Club helped all week. They were also present at the local food bank, helping to feed the hungry. The proceeds from the Turkey Trot will benefit East Bay, as well as Eisenhower Middle and Doby Elementary Schools.
“Waterset has done so much for East Bay High and has supported several projects,” said Mary Ferguson, a teacher at East Bay High School and sponsor of the Key Club. “We’re so appreciative and hope to continue to grow our relationship with the community in the future…We always look for projects where the kids can help out,” Ferguson added. “The students get to meet adults who are community-minded, and they feel empowered knowing that they’re making a difference.”