21 March . 2017
Waterset Turkey Trot Donates to Area Schools
The principals of three SouthShore public schools were treated to a big surprise recently at a luncheon hosted at Waterset in Apollo Beach. Each received a check for more than $4,600 as part of the community’s Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5K road race.
Lynda McMorrow, Marketing Manager at Waterset presented checks for $4,644 each to Maria Gsell, principal of East Bay High School, Johan VonAncken, principal of Eisenhower Middle School and Cathy Ferguson, principal of Doby Elementary School. Keven Loveland of the FishHawk Road Runners also accepted a $500 donation for the running club’s assistance with the first-time event, which was organized by Newland Communities, Waterset Fitness, Crossfit Apogee and the Waterset Tri and Race Club.
“The principals knew they were getting a donation, but they didn’t know the amount,” said McMorrow. “It was so rewarding to see the principals’ faces light up when they received the checks. Each school has the opportunity to spend the funds as they see fit, but it was clear what an impact the funds will make for students.”
Waterset and Newland Communities regularly support schools within the Apollo Beach community. It donates several iPads each quarter to deserving Eisenhower Middle and East Bay High School students, and sponsors other events throughout the school year.