12 March . 2018
Newland Communities Donates Nearly 14,000 Meals To Fight Hunger
Hundreds of concertgoers who attended Newland Communities’ annual Concerts for a Cause series and Fall Festivals at Waterset and Bexley made a difference in the fight against hunger by donating nearly 2,000 lbs. of non-perishable items and over $1,200 in cash to Feeding Tampa Bay. All totaled, the donations will provide the organization which works to end hunger in our community with nearly 14,000 meals.
The series of popular outdoor concerts featured local and regional bands and took place between September and November at the two communities in Apollo Beach and Land O’ Lakes. In lieu of admission, concertgoers were asked to bring non-perishable food items or monetary donations to benefit Feeding Tampa Bay, the area’s leading food bank which provides food to more than 700,000 people in a 10-county area of West Florida, including Hillsborough and Pasco Counties.
All totaled, concert goers donated 1,968 lbs. of food and $1,224 in cash which will provide 13,879 meals to people in our community in need.
“We are truly grateful to our residents and the extraordinary generosity they show through our Concerts for a Cause series,” said Pam Parisi, Vice President of Marketing for Newland Communities. “The number of people in our area who are in need of nutritious food donations to feed themselves and their families is staggering. We’re pleased to bring the community together and know that this donation will make a big difference to our neighbors in need.”
“One in seven adults and one in four children in our area struggle with hunger,” added Thomas Mantz, Executive Director of Feeding Tampa Bay, “Our partnership with Newland Communities every year signifies the meaning of community. We bring families together to give back in a meaningful and fun way, and as a result we uplift families in need through meals that would otherwise not be possible. Strong communities exist when everyone comes together, and this is what Concerts for a Cause helps create.”