05 August . 2020
3 Waterset Schools Presented with Golden School Awards
Waterset puts the unity in community, and we’re proud to say that our schools do too! 3 schools located within ½ mile of Waterset have been presented with the 2019-2020 Golden School Award. The award recognizes schools with exemplary volunteer programs and was given to Doby Elementary, Waterset Charter, and East Bay High Schools. Each school has at least 80% of the school staff trained in volunteerism, a designated volunteer coordinator, and volunteer service hours exceeding the number of students.
"This award means two things to East Bay,” explained Amy Stevens-Cox, principal for East Bay High School. “First, it means that our students are performing exorbitant amounts of community service and giving back to their neighborhoods. It also means that we have developed partnerships with local businesses and agencies so that students have avenues to support through their volunteerism. Waterset is an example of one of these partnerships that benefit our students."
East Bay High School students regularly volunteer in the Waterset community for events like the Concerts for a Cause series and Turkey Trot 5K and Kids’ Fun Run.
Waterset Charter School serves students in grades kindergarten through 8th grade. Principal Bradley Warren attested, “Waterset Charter School is honored to receive the Golden School Award as a reflection of the dedication of our amazing families! Our school community collaborates to empower all students as learners and leaders.”
Doby Elementary principal Roseanne Rush echoed Principal Warren's statement, saying, "We are so grateful to have been given the Golden School Award. We are extremely fortunate to have an incredible community who choose to regularly volunteer to work with our students, participate in events, and be a part of the Doby Family."
We’re proud of our students and their families, as well as the dedicated staff and faculty in our local schools. Congratulations to Doby, Waterset Charter, and East Bay for this prestigious award!