10 February . 2018
Top 8 Pieces of Advice From “99 Retirement Tips From Ken Fisher”
Top 8 Pieces of Advice From “99 Retirement Tips From Ken Fisher”
No matter your age, it’s never too early (or too late!) to think about retirement. Here are some of our favorite tips from Ken Fisher’s 99 Tips for Retirement. Fisher is the Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Fisher Investments. He has four best selling books as well as columns and commentary in USA Today and the Financial Times.
#1. Save your money and let it work for you.
Fisher says, “Don’t let your savings wither away in cash - put it into a productive investment.” Stocks and bonds are a great way to build your retirement savings, and real estate can be a productive investment as well. Read more reasons to buy a new home here.
#19. Choose a long-term financial goal.
This piece of advice is essential, whether you’re 25 or 75. Says Fisher, “It’s easier to make investment decisions when you know the point you’re trying to get to.” Whether you’re younger and want a comfortable retirement, or are older and want to plan how much you’d like to pass on, having a goal in mind is the first step to achieving it.
#28. Consider downsizing.
#29. Consider upsizing.
Is your home the right size for you? Many couples upsize as their family grows, and then downsize as children age and move out. However, there are other factors to consider. A large home lets you host gatherings of extended family, while a small home is easier to maintain. No matter what your lifestyle is, Waterset has a new home just right for you.
#31. Think about weather.
One of the best things about Waterset is the beautiful Florida climate. With 361 days of sunshine and an average temperature of 73 degrees, you can enjoy the warm weather and the relaxing bay breeze. No shoveling snow here!
#34. One-story living could be just right.
With so many builders, Waterset has a variety of home plans of all shapes and sizes. One-story living eliminates stairs, is more energy efficient, makes cleaning easier, and allows for a nice open floor plan. Because one-story living is suitable for new parents and aging individuals, one-story homes tend to have a higher resale value as well.
#36. Move closer to grandchildren, family, and friends.
For families of all ages, one of the most common reasons for moving to Waterset is to be closer to friends and family.
#60. Stay active any way you enjoy.
Staying active is important for your physical, emotional, and mental health. Waterset makes it easy with amenities such as The Landing Club and Cafe, The Lakeside, and the coming soon Waterset Club.
#99. Build a cushion into your financial planning.
Fisher makes a great point when he explains, “Not everyone is highly disciplined in their spending plans, or even their income forecasts...it’s easier to spend a little more than you planned, than less.” Leave a gap between your forecasted income and spending to make sure you have all your bases covered.