27 March . 2019
Go Green Around the House for Earth Day
One of the benefits about buying a new home in Waterset is that they are up-to-date to energy efficiency standards, helping you to save money and save the environment without even thinking about it. However, we know that there’s always more we can do. Here are 5 ways to go green around your home in Waterset.
- Avoid Plastics
Of course, it’s nearly impossible to cut out plastic completely but there are a few quick and easy swaps you can make - for example, try a refillable water bottle, metal straw, and reusable grocery bags.
- Cut Back on Paper Waste
Paper waste happens all around the home, but especially in the kitchen and home office. In the kitchen, try swapping out your paper towels for cloth napkins and ditch the paper plates whenever possible. In the home office, opt for a digital task-keeping system instead of a to-do list. Also, re-use your scrap paper and when you have to print, print double-sided.
- Conserve Electricity
One of the best ways to conserve electricity is to unplug your items when you aren’t using them - not just turning them off. One simple way is to set up a singular power strip as a charging station for all your small electronic devices - and simply unplug it when nothing is being charged.
Other ways to save electricity? Use natural light whenever possible, reduce your TV time, and consider investing in a programmable thermostat like the popular Nest.
- Save Water
There are so many simple ways to save water around the house! Turn off the water when you brush your teeth or shave your face, only wash full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine, and choose showers over baths whenever possible.
- Play Outside
Being outside is not just good for the environment, it’s also good for your health. Spending time at one of our pools, parks, or playgrounds is a great way to avoid energy-wasting TV time and get some exercise. You can also enjoy the great outdoors by biking or walking along our twelve miles of trails. If your kids attend Waterset Charter School, Kids R Kids, or Southshore Montessori, you can easily walk or bike to school.