16 February . 2023
If You’re Looking for a Sign to Move, This Is It
At Waterset, we get it. Moving is a huge undertaking. Buying a house is a big commitment. Even if you’re not happy with your current home, maybe you’ve been making up excuses to stay put? Well, we’re here to tell you (even though it sounds cheesy!) that your home should be your haven. Here are 9 reasons to make that move now.
Your home is too small
You read the books. You edited, decluttered, minimized – whatever you want to call it, you tried it, and there’s still not enough room. Maybe you’re tired of your kitchen table doubling as your home office? Maybe you’ve been parking your car in the driveway because the garage is full? Maybe toys are everywhere and it’s time for the little ones to have a dedicated place to play? If so, it might be time to buy bigger.
Your home is too big
You could be thinking just the opposite – your home is full of empty space that you never use, but are still paying for (and still having to clean!). Your home doesn’t feel cozy, it feels cavernous. Downsizing can free up your time and your budget for the things you really love.
You’ve had a major life change
Life is full of exciting milestones – and some difficult ones as well. Babies are born, and adult children move out. Relationships start and end. Jobs change – or become remote. Whatever the change, these transitions usually mean looking for a new home better suited for your new life. Touring model homes can be a great way to see what kind of floor plan works for you.
Your home requires too much maintenance or too many repairs
If you’re living in an older home, you’ll likely be replacing or repairing things more often. Not only inconvenient, it can also be very expensive. From tired air conditioners (hello, Florida heat!) to chipped or fading paint, to a roof that needs replacing, you may find yourself in a constant state of stress about your home. With brand-new everything (and a warranty!), a new home will give you greater peace of mind.
You don’t feel a sense of community
As Waterset resident Elise says, "You can tell that [Waterset residents] just genuinely care about their neighbors - and I don't think that happens everywhere." After all, there are neighborhoods, and then there are communities. Places where you can literally walk next door and borrow a cup of sugar. Where cookouts are commonplace and playdates are plentiful. Where you know the name of every person (and pet!) on your street. Wanting a more connected community is an important reason to start home shopping. Listen to more resident stories here.
Your community doesn’t have the amenities you want
Another important factor to consider? Community amenities. Sure, you can drive to a gym or a pool or a café, but wouldn’t it be so much nicer having those amenities right around the corner? Not every community is created equally when it comes to amenities, so if you’re constantly considering your neighborhood pool a little lackluster or wishing the kids had more places to play, it could be time to get packing. Take a peek at all the amenities your community could have!
Your community doesn’t have the events you want
Concerts in the park. Easter egg hunts. Food truck rallies. Fall festivals. Your community lifestyle should be as vibrant and exciting as you. If you and your family are constantly wishing there was more to do, making the move to a community with more fun events could be the change you didn’t realize you needed.
You’re too far away from important places
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that a long commute is a bummer. And do we really want to try that new hotspot if it takes an hour to get there? There’s a reason for the old real estate adage location, location, location. So if your current home isn’t conveniently located, it’s a great time to start looking for a community with a close proximity to the things you care about, whether it’s work, school, shopping and dining, great beaches… should we go on?
Your home just isn’t right anymore
Sometimes there’s nothing you can put your finger on - no glaring list of faults - but things just feel off. Home just isn’t where the heart is anymore. You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling. It’s simple: you deserve to love where you live, and if you don’t it’s time to move.
If something in this list hit home (no pun intended), we’ve got resources to help you find your next home. From important financial considerations to a handy Homefinder to a one-stop-shop New Home Buying Guide, we’re here to help.